About ConsimWorld Expo 2023
- The Ultimate Gaming Experience Returns as we Celebrate our 22nd Anniversary! — CSW Expo 2023, featuring MonsterGame.CON XX, has it all! The best and grandest games ever assembled, the most enthusiastic gamers and industry personalities coming together to celebrate the hobby, fantastic hotel accommodations and event facility, exhibitor showcase, seminars, game auction, flea market, breakfast speakers, TONS of door prizes, and much more.
- Early Set-up on Friday night, August 25 — We're pleased to announce early set-up for CSW Expo 2023. The Grand Ballroom will be officially open on Friday, August 25 at 8pm.
- About MonsterGame.CON — The mission of MonsterGame.CON XXIII, a CSW Expo exclusive, is to provide a dedicated venue for one to participate in the monster game of their choosing. A single game title. With today's demanding schedule and responsibilities, many gaming enthusiasts find themselves hard-pressed to find the time or colleagues necessary to orchestrate such an ambitious multiplayer undertaking. Such desire is usually relegated to never-realized dreams, or result in games being played over a disjointed, extended period. But no more! ConsimWorld Expo delivers a truly memorable gaming experience, delivering the realization, "I finally got to play that game!"
- Open-Gaming Nirvana — Not into monster gaming? Fret not! If open-gaming is more your speed (which is the case for nearly half our attendees), we have dedicated gaming space available to cater to those unable to attend the entire event or preferring to partake in multiple open-gaming endeavours. We typically play host to more than 30+ open gaming titles each year. If it's a wargame you are accustomed to seeing at WBC, you will definitely see it here!
- An Incredible Venue — Here's a short list of special activities you'll experience at ConsimWorld Expo: Evening Welcome Reception, Game Demos and Sneak Peeks, Seminars, Special Gaming Events, Featured Playtest Sessions, Open-gaming, Flea Market Tables, Game Auction, Exhibitor Room, Evening Coffee Clutch, Door Prizes, and even more surprises in store for 2022!
- Register Today and Save! — Expo pricing is $100 for the full event, $60 for a 3-Day Pass. Be sure to submit your payment so we can fully process your registration and have you listed on our Attendee Roster and Game Sign-ups page. The event site is the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, one of Arizona’s premiere resorts in a prime location (also great for families), and we have secured an excellent guest package for all attendees (including complementary airport shuttle service). Single/Double room accommodations are $132 per night and includes free buffet breakfast served during our entertaining breakfast seminar sessions.
- A Who's Who List of Industry Personalities — We're just getting started, so expect to see this list grow! Game industry personalities scheduled to appear including Gene Billingsley, Ernie Copley, Christopher Cummins, Tony Curtis, Mark Hinkle, Ben Knight, Joseph Miranda, Michael Resch, Mark Simonitch, Jeff Tibbetts, Joe Youst, and many more!
- A Truly Memorable Gaming Experience — How’s this for an awe-inspiring atmosphere? Here’s a sampling of the monster game titles you will be able to choose from and may see played, many of which are grand out-of-print classics! Rest assured that countless smaller titles will be played as well.
1914: Twilight in the East (GMT), A Fearful Slaughter (MMP/The Gamers), A World at War (GMT), Advanced Squad Leader (MMP), AETO (DG), Ardennes '44 (GMT), Asia Engulfed (GMT), Atlantic Wall (SPI), Battles of the Age of Reason series (COA), Case Blue (MMP/The Gamers), DAK (MMP/Gamers), East Front Series (GMT), Empire in Arms (AH), Enemy at the Gates (MMP/Gamers), EuroFront II (Columbia), Europa Series (HMS/GRD), Europe Engulfed (GMT), Flat Top (AH/Battleline), Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (TAHGC/MMP), Guderian's Blitzkrieg II (MMP/Gamers), HASL Campaign (MMP), Highway to the Reich II (DG/SPI), Home Before The Leaves Fall (COA), June 6 (GMT), Korsun Pocket (PWG), La Bataille series (COA), Objective: Moscow (SPI), Operation Crusader (GDW), Operation Typhoon (SPI), Pacific War (Victory), Red Star Rising (MMP), Red Storm Over the Reich (CG), Storm of Steel (DG), Streets of Stalingrad (L2 Design), Summer Storm (COA), The Devil's Cauldron (MMP), The Killing Ground (NES), The Longest Day (AH), The Next War (SPI), Third World War series (GDW), This Hallowed Ground (MMP/The Gamers), This Terrible Sound (MMP/The Gamers), Three Days of Gettysburg (GMT), Totaler Krieg! (DG), Vietnam (Victory), Wacht Am Rhein II (DG/SPI), War Between the States II (DG/SPI), War in Europe (DG/SPI), War in the Pacific (DG/SPI), Wellington's Victory (SPI), World in Flames Deluxe (ADG), and many more!
If This Sounds Like a Slice of Gaming Heaven, That's Because It is!